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Is quitting gluten really necessary if you are suffering from a chronic illness, digestive issues, fatigue, or bad moods? Read this article to find out how gluten could be damaging your body and health.
Read MoreIn this video, you will learn some quick and effective exercises to help to reduce your stress and increase your energy. Thumbnail credit
Read MoreThis is a great vegetable broth to add alkalinity to the body and to reduce acid. Being acidic creates inflammation in the body. You can use this broth during Dr. Hyman’s seven-day detox diet or drink it with meals or between meals as a snack. It is always best to use organic vegetables.
Read MoreIn this video, Dr. Jason Fung explains why stress and poor sleep are keys reasons why Americans are becoming obese. Find out what you can do to help fix this deadly chronic disease.
Read MoreIn this video, you will learn the same relaxing Qigong (Chi Kung) movements that are practiced by the elderly Chinese that lives to a ripe old age. Also great for building internal martial arts strength & power.
Read MoreSlow cooking or Instant Pot is a great way to do meal prep for the week. You can freeze the leftovers for a quick and healthy meal. You’ll love them, too. READ MORE 10 Healthy Slow Cooker Dinners We Really Love thumbnail courtesy of
Read MorePosition Paper for Diet Typing Systems In its simplest terms, metabolic biochemistry is just “fuel in, energy out”. The energy derived from the foods you eat is used to drive all the processes going on in your body. These include the building of proteins (muscles, tissues and organs), DNA (your genetic material), and fat. Fuel […]
Read MoreTo fully understand what “Typing” is all about, we need to go back and understand the history that leads us to the Diet Typing System. It has always been confusing to scientists, doctors as well as patients and clients as to why some of us do well eating a particular way while others do badly […]
Read MoreThe first thing you must do before starting a new workout program or changing your current program is to ask yourself, “What am I trying to accomplish with my exercise program?” “The answers we get in life are only as good as the questions asked.” – Bruce Pahl “Judge a man by his questions rather […]
Read MoreUnlike conventional workout tools such as barbells, kettlebells & dumbbells the weight of a sandbag shifts, is less stable and moves more dynamically & naturally. This requires you to use more balance, stabilizer muscles & your core which you wouldn’t use as much for basic compound movements. The sandbag will shift, sag and form fit […]
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